"The 4 elements in surreal environments"

Per questa collezione il tema sono i 4 Elementi, messi in scena in una visione surrealista. Pesci come pioggia, Balene che spruzzano lava…dimenticate le leggi della natura.

The collection consists of the following original illustrations:

#1 - WATER

"àcqua (ant. àqua) sf [lat. aqua]. - 1. Chemical compound of formula H2O (ie consisting of hydrogen and oxygen in a ratio of 2: 1), diffused in nature in its three aggregation states: solid, liquid and airy. "

"Water" is an upside-down world , where fishes rains from the sky and the clouds are a sea where you can swim.

The evolution...


#2 - AIR

"Ària s. f. [Lat. aëra, accus. in the Greek of aer aëris masc., gr. ἀήρ]. - 1. Gaseous mixture of nitrogen (for 4/5) and oxygen (for about 1/5), with small quantities of other gases, which constitutes the terrestrial atmosphere (atmospheric); it is of fundamental importance for the respiration of animals and plants, for the oxidation and combustion processes. "

"Air" is the sea in celebration, an underwater party with selection at the entrance. Dress Code: Red Baloons.

The evolution...


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#3 - FIRE

"Fuòco (ant., Region. O pop. Fòco) s. m. [Lat. fŏcus, propr. "Hearth", and by metonymy, already in Lat. class., «fire, flame»] (pl. fuòchi, ant. le fuòcora). - 1. a. The set of calorific and luminous effects of combustion, which have their manifestation in the flame. Considered by the first Greek philosophers as one of the four elements, that is, the divine and incorruptible matter of which the stars and souls are formed, has always occupied a fundamental place in almost all the religions of the world. "

"Fire" is nature that merges, a whale that becomes a volcanic island, drifting towards oceans that are not allowed to be seen ...

The evolution...


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#4 - EARTH

"Tèrra sf [lat. tĕrra]. - 2. the compact, solid part of the Earth's surface, the mass that emerges from the waters (or only a part of it, so that it can also be used in plur.): t. emerged, the complex of continental and island masses, which represents almost a third of the earth's surface; "

"Earth" are the lighthouses that float hypnotically in a safe harbor ... the sea that already surrounds you. Breathe.

The evolution...
